Request For Proposals
Care Coordination Services
Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc. (“ECHSC”) intends to obtain competitive proposals from vendors (“Contractor”) to provide Healthy Start Care Coordination services for pregnant women, interconception women (those who delivered a healthy baby who is under their care and those who had a pregnancy or infant loss or delivered a baby who is not under their care), and infants from birth to age three in Escambia County. Florida. These services support the Coalition’s mission of reducing fetal and infant mortality and improving birth and health outcomes for women of childbearing age and children under the age of three. The contract period will begin July 1, 2025 and end June 30, 2026. Contracts may be renewed each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) based on availability of funding and on meeting contractual requirements.  
RFP Coordinator
All communication concerning this RFP must be directed by email only to the RFP Coordinator of the listed below. Please do not contact the RFP Coordinator by phone. Unauthorized contact regarding this RFP with any other ECHSC employee or Board member could result in disqualification. There should be no oral communications with ECHSC during the solicitation and any such oral communication will be considered unofficial and nonbinding.  
The RFP Coordinator is:  
Allyson Anderson, J.D.  
Executive Director  
Questions for additional information or clarification may be submitted in writing to the RFP Coordinator and received no later than the deadline of January 31, 2025. Written answers to all questions will be emailed and posted on this web page.
UPDATE 1.23.25
Q. Are letters of support required to be included in the response for the RFP for Care Coordination Services due February 28, 2025?
A. Letters of support are not required in the RFP for care coordination services in Escambia County. Such letters may be included in responses, but they are optional, and all page limits specified in the RFP still apply.​